The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122570   Message #2694693
Posted By: theleveller
06-Aug-09 - 09:48 AM
Thread Name: Us and Them: folk music and political persuasion
Subject: RE: Us and Them: folk music and political persuasion
"Well I guess the truth is too much for some to hear. "

I, for one, am at a loss to understand what "truth" you are referring to. Nothing you have said has any ring of truth for me - it's just a load of opinionated twaddle. I firmly believe that social and political issues always have been, and always will be, an intrinsic part of folk music. If you choose to ignore that well-established and vital part of the genre, fine, but there are those of us who never will. Try taking off your rose-tinted spectacles once in a while.