The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122360   Message #2694910
Posted By: bavis
06-Aug-09 - 02:57 PM
Thread Name: Memories of Johnny Collins
Subject: RE: Memories of Johnny Collins
Once upon a time, a very long time ago I was walking across the camp site at a festival and spotted a gentleman trying to blow up his blue lilo. He was struggling and hyperventilating so me being me stopped and asked if he wanted some help. The rest is history as they say but for those who don't, know that evening in the packed car park outside the pub (in those days we had to wait for them to open) someone (I believe Dave Field) shouted at the top of his voice 'Sarah gave Johnny a blow job'. By the end of the evening Dave Holden had added a verse to a song (memory fails me) and by the end of the festival badges were in existence that sported the words 'I gave JC a blow job and survived' or things like 'what's a blow job and who the hell is this JC anyway' We became friends JC and I but as often, life got in the way and I did not see or hear about him for many years due to me being absent from the folk scene. On my first foray back into festival life I met Graham King, another old friend who introduced me to Joyce by saying do you know who this is? On her negative reply he made a circle with his thumb and forefinger and blew through it at which point her face split into a grin and she uttered the words 'I have waited eight years to meet you. Boy was I relieved. Not only did JC remember me but to our surprise he also remembered my telephone number which is amazing after his ill health but a testament to the his ability to learn and carry songs not only in his mind but in his heart. Several years of Singing Chef eventually followed thanks to Bob H and I am so very glad that for a very small time compared to some I could call him friend and that I came to know Joyce through that chance blowing up a lilo.