The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122640   Message #2695160
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Aug-09 - 10:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happiest Moment in Time
Subject: RE: BS: Happiest Moment in Time
Well, Ebbie, what I was thinking is....the only time one can experience happiness is in the present. And that's now. ;-) One always experiences it now. There's no getting away from that. Now is the only time we EVER experience...

One can also choose to be unhappy now. So I was figuring, why not choose to be happy? And why not right now?

One could theoretically decide to be happy tomorrow...instead of now. But when tomorrow arrived, it would still be now. ;-)

Anything could give me happiness now...if I chose to relate to it in that way. Some things would no doubt be a lot easier than others, but it would still be up to me. There are millions of things I could decide to be happy about now...just by focusing on them in that fashion. I am happy, for instance, that I know a lot of good stuff about guitars and enjoy playing them. Just one example.