The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122570   Message #2695279
Posted By: GUEST
07-Aug-09 - 04:33 AM
Thread Name: Us and Them: folk music and political persuasion
Subject: RE: Us and Them: folk music and political persuasion
Depends on what you consider political.

For instance the sonngs that begin "Come all you young fellows / maidens" followed by a story with a message concerning matters of love and power...politics is simply a subcategory of the things folksong deals with.

There is much subversion (Matty Groves, Willy o' Winsbury)in which we are clearly invited to align ourselves with one side or the other - generally the underdog whose native wit or corage confounds the rich and powerful. It is not courtly music, or aristocratic music or the music of an elite. Unless you count some individuals who measure their importance by the length of their beards....