The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23971   Message #269723
Posted By: Little Neophyte
01-Aug-00 - 04:54 PM
Thread Name: how did you choose your mudcat name?
Subject: RE: how did you choose your mudcat name?
I started off at Little Neophyte, because that is what I was at the time. I had no clue about folk music and I had just taken up playing the banjo.
Then I changed my name to Banjo Bonnie as I became more confident with my music.
Then I changed my name back to Little Neophyte because I felt I was way over my head music wise and felt like I wanted to crawl back into my crib.
Then I changed my name back to Banjo Bonnie when I had built up some confidence and didn't feel so little anymore.
Now I would like to change my name back to Little Neophyte because it suites me more, but I figure whoever is managing the resource page will kill me and I will confuse people so much they will be mad at me.
So I figure I should just accept my moniker but really folks I am Little Neophyte at heart.
