The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122830   Message #2697442
Posted By: GUEST,Chongo Chimp
10-Aug-09 - 11:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: is the word wanker politically correct
Subject: RE: BS: is the word wanker politically correct
If you'd lived in Spain in the 1500's, Leeneia, or in Germany in the late 30s and 40s or in Pol Pot's Cambodia, you would've found out FAST what it means. It means "You either talk the way we want you to and ACT the way we want you to...or face the consequences." The consequences can vary some accordin' to the agenda and attitude of whoever's in charge, but they ain't usually all that pleasant. A somewhat lesser consequence could just be to get socially ostracized by people and lose yer job and yer career. This is what usually happens to people who ain't considered too politically correct in what is thought of as a modern "democracy".

It has happened to folksingers too. The Johnson administration didn't consider Buffy Sainte-Marie to be politically correct at all, and she got no airplay in North America for 10 years, courtesy of government agents who went around to all the radio and TV stations.

Every society has its own means of shuttin' up people who don't kowtow to the official line of the day, whatever it may be. Some societies go a lot farther than others in that respect, but the basic intention is silence those who do not obey and conform to what Big Brother has decided upon.

The politically correct can be found on either the Right or the Left. It always has been that way, probably always will be. Scoudrels are not defined by their cause or their specific political affiliation, they are defined by their character.

- Chongo