The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23976   Message #269753
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
01-Aug-00 - 05:41 PM
Thread Name: Lammas
Subject: RE: Lammas
Gourd mass doesn't have quite the same ring to it, but have a good one!

Lammas is not officially part of the church calendar any more, mind you, harvest is becoming less and less a part of it now, similarly, Rogationtide is more or less defunct as well. It seems that with more and more food being grown across the world and a kiwi fruit that grew on a vine in Rotorua yesterday can be in my fruit salad tomorrow, we no longer listen to the rythmn of the seasons, and those seasonal festivals celebrating and begging for a good harvest are being bypassed by things like Christian Aid week, World Aids day and the Americanised Mothers' day.

You will find lots of re-enactors celebrating it though, especially as it coincides with Petertide - St Peter's day was 29th July, and coupled with Lammas made a good weeks' holiday, lots of fairs and markets, and usually good weather, that's why it's traditional to have summer holidays in August.