The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122837   Message #2698369
Posted By: Mrs_Annie
12-Aug-09 - 05:32 AM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism launch at Sidmouth
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism launch at Sidmouth
I have to say I went because I knew all about the cause and wanted to support it. I very much enjoyed the music. Joan's speech was very very good, maybe it could've been a bit sooner in the hour, but most of us were happy to wait for it and listen to what the musicians had to say.

And about the BNP - as my husband keeps saying - "Billy Bragg has been telling us for YEARS this is going to happen" now people are finally taking notice - well done.
(on FB this morning I saw a picture of BB in a FaF t-shirt - if it's good enough for him.............)