The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122830   Message #2698502
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
12-Aug-09 - 09:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: is the word wanker politically correct
Subject: RE: BS: is the word wanker politically correct
I have realised that, over the years, I have started to use the term for anyone who performs a particularly selfish act. In traffic, for instance, it is most often applied to BMW drivers:-) (Yes, I know there are a few decent ones but you know what I mean) Those who will do what they want regardless of the mess they cause. I think it was most suitably applied in 'The Commitments'. On ticking off the sax player (I think) the leader says that he is supposed to be playing soul, not jazz. Jazz, he comments, is musical wanking...

:D (eG)

(Who has now offended BMW drivers and Jazz lovers in one easy paragraph)