The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23973   Message #269860
Posted By: Morticia
01-Aug-00 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Squirreling
Subject: RE: BS: Squirreling
Moon baby, if you've stuck me with God's green apple two step I will never forgive you........Nancy, that advice works, that's how Micca stuck me with this damned tune in the first place and Gervase, I thank you from the heart of my bottom for having such faith in me but will confess here and now that it is misplaced since, to my eternal shame ( eternal because Liz will never let me forget it) I am the person who bought the toothbrush for Phoebe in the first place
Now, I'm driving two 14 year old boys over to my folks place tomorrow......3 hours in the car.......I wonder which will song it will be :)and more interesting, how nuts will they be by the time we get there?