The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122830   Message #2698782
Posted By: Amos
12-Aug-09 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: is the word wanker politically correct
Subject: RE: BS: is the word wanker politically correct
Both "wanker" and "Goddamned shit-for-brains fuck-faced asshole" are politically correct. They are INSULTS!!! If anyone tried to start a movement to forbid all derogatory opinions being expressed, all statements of outraged disapprobation, all condemnations of profound, bottomless, pecker-blind stupidity on the part of our fellow humans of various ages real or imagined, they would be laughed out of town as a bunch of panty-waisted pussies, is that not so? Might as well try to outlaw salt and pepper.