The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122805   Message #2698783
Posted By: lady penelope
12-Aug-09 - 04:02 PM
Thread Name: Sidmouth 2009 - Evaluation
Subject: RE: Sidmouth 2009 - Evaluation
Well, by the kind gift of a ticket from a friend, I attended Sidmouth for the first time this year.

The choice of things to do was, frankly, overwhelming! At times it really was hard to have to choose between what to miss to see/do something else.

My only comment about missing things like the Bellamy tribute (queued for over an hour but missed getting in) is that possibly these events that are obviously going to be popular, would have been better off in a venue like the Ham. I've no idea how organisers match acts/events to venues, but there were at least a couple of gigs that definitely could have done with being at much bigger venues and was surprised that they had been put on at relatively small venues.

My only gripes are personal ones and no reflection on the organisation of the event. Not used to having a campsite so far from the action. The rain on top made getting down for morning workshops etc a grind or (on a couple of occasions) I just plain missed stuff. We really could have done with even just straw being put down round by the showers, just to combat the slurry effect. However as the campsite is on about a 30 degree slope (I must admit to getting a tad fed up waking up in a heap at the bottom of the tent each morning....) the water did drain pretty quickly once it stopped raining.... *G* Whoever was cleaning the toilets deserves a medal, as they managed to keep cleaning the floors as well as the toilets themselves!

Moments to treasure -

Seeing George perform (finally!) at the opening concert. His song about folk clubs had me in very happy tears!

Catching up with mates I haven't seen for yonks and finally meeting people I've only talked to online before.


Discovering several new (to me) acts to help further bankrupt me.

Mike Wilson & Damien Barbour in the Bedford

Joining in The Sing In the Sea with the Middle Bar Singers

Queuing for stuff (it was never dull, always had a laugh even when I didn't get into things)

Finding Ganesha (vegan food shop - I'm not vegetarian, but the food was really good!)

Being able to combine two of my favourite things - Folk and seaside!

Nearly having my feet run over by Eliza's dad (driving buggy one handed - he did apologise *G*) in Tesco's and watching him bustle off muttering curses against buggies....

The ceilidh in the Ford that didn't happen.

Sitting in my tent listening to - I don't know how many people singing 'Living on a prayer' at the tops of their voices in the Silent Disco at the Bulverton. That still makes me grin...

The bus back to the campsite at night

As I got a free season ticket this year, I could afford to come. I'm not sure I can next year, but as my mate pointed out there are various ways of attending, so I'll have a good think about it.