The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122837   Message #2698805
Posted By: Richard Bridge
12-Aug-09 - 04:23 PM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism launch at Sidmouth
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism launch at Sidmouth
Now it seems from the above that Steve is real - just is only interested in dance, not music. I can understand that. If someone wanted me to watch 20 minutes of E-ceilidh dancing before a political speech, I'd be gone before the speech.

What I don't understand is that anyone can actually be that naive about the BNP: Steve's questions statement look like an apolagia for the BNP - but in any event it has now been explained several times above what a danger Nick Griffin is - not only to democracy, unchaperoned women, and political opponents who are rash enough to walk in dark alleys, but also to folk music.

So, Steve, now that the BNP is having dancing at its loathsome "picnic", and contaminating your preferred art-form, when will you be starting "Ceilidhs agains C**ts" - are do we need to be as worried about you as we should be about the apparent member (or impersonator of a member) of Wild Hunt Bedlam Morris - Mark Stevens - being faux-naif on the FaF page?