The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122837   Message #2698894
Posted By: GUEST
12-Aug-09 - 05:37 PM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism launch at Sidmouth
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism launch at Sidmouth
Morris dancers have already had to endure Jay Rayner's likening us to the Nazis, and the attempts by BNP to get into Morris and folk more generally, are known by many.

I have seen the FaF thread grow, and knew about the event, but I didn't really think the info I saw made it clear what it was about. It came across to me as an event preaching to the already converted.

Maybe that was the intent, and I don't doubt Ruth's comments about the turnout, but I am finding myself increasingly turned off from FaF by the attitude of some - to be a fair, just a handful, but a noticeable handful, on this thread.

To win the battle, it is necessary to win the the support of the majority - who are reasonable, would like to be informed in a sensible manner and who prefer explanation and argument to shrill bully-boy shrieks of "if you're not for us, you're against us".

The likes of Ollie Beak - and even Ruth (what makes you think Steve Harris was the only one to leave, or not just turn up? Badmouthing him because he had the balls to stand up and say that he left, and the courtesy to explain why, doesn't do anyone any favours) - are not going to endear uncommitted people to FaF.

Let's be thankful for Eliza's cool head.

I am glad that the concert was successful, and got a wider coverage than expected. But if supporters of FaF insist on acting like a bunch of extremists, the message will be lost. Can we afford that?
