The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122837   Message #2698905
Posted By: Jamming With Ollie Beak (inactive)
12-Aug-09 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism launch at Sidmouth
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism launch at Sidmouth
Blinkered vision is a terrible thing and more than a few people are afflicted with it...

It's rather like those who chose to laugh at the funny little man with the Charlie Chaplin moustache, and we all know where that led, and there were those who laughed at the somewhat comic posturings of Idi Amin, and we all know what he was capable of. Next we'll be told that it's alright, we've spoken to representatives of the BNP, and they're not as bad as we first thought, so let's just try to get along.

I think I just made myself sick just thinking about
'trying to get along'

The answer is, to oppose the BNP and their sort in anyway possible, the ballot box, music, speaking out, and disrupt (peacefully, if possible)any events held by the BNP. FaF is a fine place to start your actions.

Stand and Be Counted!

Oliva Beak (Ms)