The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122837   Message #2698969
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
12-Aug-09 - 07:05 PM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism launch at Sidmouth
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism launch at Sidmouth
Fascism / racism = evil.
It's not a matter of how many (Orwellian) legs it has.
It's not "constructive criticism" to seek to modify such a basic fact under the guise of claiming that the FAF launch "should have got to the point quicker"
That's fatuous.
What the BNP (and its antecedents) are doing / did is WRONG / I NHUMAN / PLAIN & SIMPLE EVIL.
Yes, one Mackenzie sneer was right: he claimed anti-fascists saw it in stark terms, right or wrong, no in between.
Dead right we do (speaking for myself and - I'd hope - for all but a handful of snivelling apologists lurking on this thread.