The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122825   Message #2699217
Posted By: Valmai Goodyear
13-Aug-09 - 04:16 AM
Thread Name: Starting a Folk club
Subject: RE: Starting a Folk club
Aha! Googling on 'University of Sussex Students' Union' produced the address of Falmer House, Falmer, East Sussex BN1 9QF. The poor devils are about to be deluged with propaganda decorated with the beautiful chequered elephant of the Lewes Saturday Folk Club.

It might be helpful for other organisers to Google on their local universities and do the same thing, at least when the academic year begins in mid-September.

I remember Ents Committees from my student days. The mental image conjoured up by the name (remember this was in the 1970s) was rather different from the reality.
