The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122837   Message #2699330
Posted By: Stower
13-Aug-09 - 08:14 AM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism launch at Sidmouth
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism launch at Sidmouth
Mr Red and Mr. Harris, I am at a loss: "It pains me to agree with Steve Harris but you have to make the message appealing."

If attempting to defend the image and integrity of folk musicians whose work is being (mis)used by fascists isn't already important and appealing (Mr. Red); if Steve Knightly at the FAF launch starting the event with his song 'Roots' because it has been appropriated by the BNP doesn't make the issue clear enough (Mr. Harris); if the attempt by fascists to fund folk events under a pseudonym to recruit members doesn't already scare you ... then I really don't know what anyone can say to you to help you become aware.   

Mr. Red, think on your own quote: "For evil to triumph, good men have to stand by and do nothing."   

It saddens me that this thread has (once again on Mudcat) been an occasion for posters to do the equivalent of a child sticking a tongue out and shouting 'yah boo sucks'. This issue (like many others) is bound to raise passion, but sarcasm and insults do nothing to promote understanding: only engaging openly with others can do that.

Unfortunately, there are some who would rather play games rather than engage in rational discussion. The hardcore of the BNP and their ilk are not able to engage in rational argument. That is part of the condition and definition of being prejudiced.

Being rational and factual may only win over a few who are tempted on the margins of the BNP. But those few are important. Unfortunately, one will always find it difficult to engage rationally with an irrational/fearful/passionate person. But we have to try.

If all we do is sling mud, shout 'yah boo sucks', and get some kind of thrill from insulting others, making no attempt to bring understanding but feeding on negative emotions, then I wonder how our approach and behaviour is different to that of the BNP? And I wonder what we can ever hope to achieve by it?