The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23971   Message #269976
Posted By: Little Hawk
01-Aug-00 - 10:44 PM
Thread Name: how did you choose your mudcat name?
Subject: RE: how did you choose your mudcat name?
As I indicated in a previous string, I had the name "Little Hawk" in a "previous" (as they say) life, when I was a young man among the Lakotas in the later 1800's. I am absolutely serious about that. I thought I'd use in on Mudcat, because I like it. My actual name (now) is George Coventry, and I sometimes wonder if I should just have registered under that in the first place...

So-called "previous" lives, by the way, are not actually previous at's all happening at once on the level of spirit, because spirit is timeless. And it's all changing all the time in more ways than can possibly be expressed through spoken or written language.

So...any advancement in consciousness you make here and now affects not just this life but ALL OF YOUR LIVES!!! And thats' STRONG MEDICINE. So...I advise all people to be moderate, loving, and forgiving...and to stand up bravely for their ideals at the same time. We are all of one spirit. It may not seem that way, but remember, this is the world of illusion here...this is a magnificent dream (or a horrific one, if you please)...and one day the dreamer will awake to find that all his fears indeed were groundless and only his love remains as an eternal testament in the fields of creation.

I am Little Hawk. I am George Coventry. And I am what you are. And I know it.