The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122902   Message #2700148
Posted By: Folknacious
14-Aug-09 - 09:01 AM
Thread Name: eBay folk rarities alert
Subject: RE: EBay folk rarities alert
I suspect that Sticky Fingers probably sold a LOT more than Nic Jones' "Ballads & Songs" or The Sun Also Rises. I think that rarity is a big factor - I see that the Village Thing Chris Thompson on that list already has an £80 bid, but it's apparently like teeths of hens. Vinyl Attic says "An interesting story, this. Most copies were reputedly destroyed (chucked in a river!) by distributor, Transatlantic records: only 101 copies were sold, and the other 899 destroyed. Chris Thompson was (still is) a New Zealand musician who came over in 1971, backed Julie Felix, and made the album between 1971 and 1973 with Keshav Sathe and Clem Atford from Magic Carpet, and Ed Deane from the Woods Band."