The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122830 Message #2700155
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
14-Aug-09 - 09:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: is the word wanker politically correct
Subject: RE: BS: is the word wanker politically correct
Didn't Henry VIII have a personal man-servant to attend to such matters as onanism? In which case is it truly onanism? No doubt he was skilled in the art of fellatio too, as few men are, though there is a further rumour that the diminutive pop-star Prince had certain ribs removed to facilitate an oral dimension to the business of self-love. I dare say for us fat folky blokes a good deal of liposuction would be involved as well...
I wonder, how many here have ever sucked their own dick? Or yet licked their own pussies? Which brings me back to an intriguing medieval carving that might be found on the exterior of the church of in St. Michael's-on-Wyre in which a female contortionist appears to be doing just that: