The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122825   Message #2700919
Posted By: BB
15-Aug-09 - 11:54 AM
Thread Name: Starting a Folk club
Subject: RE: Starting a Folk club
My advice would be not to book guest artists just because they're cheap - make sure that whatever you book is of good quality, and book the best you can afford. If necessary, build up funds before booking - and I agree about having enough in the bank to pay any guests that you've contracted, so that you COULD pay them even if no-one turns up.

I would also advise - and I know that not everyone agrees with this - that EVERYONE should pay on a guest night; just because they do a floor spot or MC or take the money on gthe door, they shouldn't get in free - they're still going to hear an hour and a half, or whatever, of a high-class professional performer (I would hope!).

I do wonder about Scots audiences - there seems to be a misconception that there is no such thing as English folk music - perhaps you can help to show them the error of their thoughts!

Lots of luck - the more venues for the music, the better!
