The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122927   Message #2701445
Posted By: Gurney
16-Aug-09 - 03:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: There are a lot of threads on here
Subject: RE: BS: There are a lot of threads on here
Well, now, it comes as no great surprise that Joe Offer prefers coarse threads, nor that Janie thinks that a lot of threads are pretty dense. ;<)
However, to the original post: Many of the regular posters below the line here are not aficionados of bitchy topics. They prefer, from my observation, to go straight into personal abuse, almost invariably abuse aimed at people who they know can hold their own in that respect.      If respect is the right word, here.
However, I do note that some people don't really like this, and would like more respect shown.
To them, I would like to say this: It's a bloke thing. Mates DO insult each other! Don't YOU worry about it, Joe knows what he's doing, and IMO this site works better than any other I've visited, i.e., to my taste!