The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122825   Message #2701896
Posted By: Nick
16-Aug-09 - 07:43 PM
Thread Name: Starting a Folk club
Subject: RE: Starting a Folk club

I can only give you my own experience. The various different strands can exist and not exclude traditional song it just needs lightly managing.

If I look at the core of people who come to us there are four or five whose tastes are primarily pretty traditional (but accept other things), some instrumentalists who enjoy a range of tunes (but have enough manners to leave the unaccompanied song alone), some who will sing modern and popular guitar led songs, a Jake Thackray performer, Bob Dylan fan, the odd singer songwriter, and some of us who like a bit of everything and will sing unaccompanied/Joni Mitchell/blues/jazz/country even.

There is a definite tension sometimes if the balance tilts too far too often in favour of one group or the other but it pretty much self regulates itself. Occasionally it has needed a little intervention but pretty little. It's a fascinating example of a socially dynamic group in action - as well as being fun musically. Fundamentally it is a bunch of people who want it to continue so they make sure it works and survives.

We once had a very traditional soul come and visit who told us we were doing everything wrong - singing the wrong songs / using crib sheets / pretty much everything / probably drinking the wrong beer out of the wrong sort of mug. The sort of narrow minded wanker you don't want back and luckily he never has been. :) It's the joy of having a strong and easily understood group ethic.