The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122927   Message #2702336
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Aug-09 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: There are a lot of threads on here
Subject: RE: BS: There are a lot of threads on here
Azizi - I've been talking for years here about why people complain, bitch, rant, etc...why they will not listen objectively to an opinion that differs from their own...why they get unreasonable and hostile...why they go on personal vendettas, etc...

And, boy, does it ever annoy some of those people when I do. ;-D

But it doesn't seem to have encouraged very many of them to engage in a little calm self-analysis or constructive self-criticism. Nope. They are too busy attacking someone or something else. The unexamined (unconscious or reactive) life continues to be the favorite mode of existence for most people, I guess, even though Aristotle (I think it was him...) said that such a life is not worth living.