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Thread #115883   Message #2702487
Posted By: Little Hawk
17-Aug-09 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
"Conservatives Now Outnumber Liberals in All 50 States, Says Gallup Poll"

No wonder! You live in a country, BB, where the word "liberal" carries a connotation sort of like "child molester" or "rapist" or "vampire". What would you expect? ;-D

In Canada we have a major political party called "the Liberals" and they've won more past elections than any other party!!!!!!!!! That should tell you something about the difference. "Liberal" is not a bad word in Canada. Neither is conservative. We have a major party called the Conservatives too.

The USA is like the Land of Oz, and I don't mean Australia. It's in a mad reality bubble all its own, and you have to see it from outside the USA to realize just how mad it is.


However, you might find this post I made on another thread interesting:

What if you can't vote the system out, because the major political parties are all controlled by the same great financial interests?

I have seen numerous angry attempts by an aroused public in both Canada and the USA to "vote the system out". I have not seen one of those attempts actually succeed.

All I've seen is a change of actors on the stage...a shuffling of masked avengers...heros and villains...rather like replacing one pair of wrestlers at the WWF with another after the bell rings to end the last match.

It's a "work" (wrestling term). It's a staged performance to mesmerize the public and make them think they have genuine representation. It's not a truly representative process at all, it's just a big PR show to divide and conquer at election time, bought and paid for by the people you will never get to cast a vote for or against. You don't even know who they are or where they live or what they are doing.

That's how the $ySStem is designed. From the very top down. Like a pyramid. And it works every time. The public cannot identify the oppressor at the top, because the oppressor has no known face. All they can do is blame it all on Bush...or Reagan...or Clinton...or Obama. That's equivalent to blaming the entire corrupt wrestling game on Hulk Hogan or The Undertaker or Jake the Snake Roberts.

But people are fooled by that kind of thing, because the face of a "bad guy" or the face of a "good guy" is something they can relate to on a visceral level. They can understand it. Bush was presented as a "good guy" to rescue the country in 2000. The
controllers and the public were all finished with him by 2008. Obama was then presented as a "good guy" to rescue the country in 2008. Wait and see what happens to Obama in the next 4 to 8 years. Obama is not the man in control. No president is the man in control. They are figureheads. If one tries to actually take control (as John Kennedy tried to), then guess what happens to him? You either serve as a compliant figurehead or you are disposed of (one way or another)...and whoever you are, you're just temporary. But the $ySStem, like a corporation, is NOT temporary. It goes on and on, theoretically it is immortal just like a corporation. It can only die eventually by its own stupidity and madness or at the hand of a mightier external system, but not by your vote. Your vote cannot bring it down.

The only American politicians I've seen who resolutely opposed what the $ySStem is doing in the last election were Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul. Accordingly, they had no chance of being the guy selected to run for president by their respective parties. They were small enough fish that the $ySStem could laugh at them in its media, marginalize them, and not worry too much about them. If they'd been big enough fish to actually threaten the status quo...well, then more extreme methods would have been found to silence them. As it was, that was not necessary. The main candidates, groomed and chosen by the $ySStem, were the only ones that really counted. That was Hillary and Obama, and maybe Edwards. McCain was set up to take the fall, in my opinion, but he'd have made a fine $ySStem man anyway...only it was time to kick the new "bad guys" (Republicans) out and bring the new "good guys" (Democrats) in. Next time it may be exactly the other way around, but it won't change anything except who gets to wear which mask.

Will Obama get 4 years? Or will he get 8? We'll have to wait and see how that goes. After him? There'll be another "face" chosen as a mask to put in front of the $ySStem's faceless power.

The selection of Obama was brilliant, by the way. I've never seen a more effective selection of a presidential candidate in order to dramatically shift attitudes around the world toward the USA in a more positive direction...and God knows, it sure was time to do something about THAT! Bush's last 8 years of military folly had made the USA the most feared and detested country on Earth.

What will Obama do with all that political capital? What will his Masters let him do? I wonder?