The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122985   Message #2703207
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
18-Aug-09 - 01:16 PM
Thread Name: Origins: South Australia - copyright?
Subject: RE: Sally (Salley) Gardens copyright claims
Digression- Sally (Salley) Gardens; copyright claims:

"Sally Gardens" - 177 listings (some duplications, collections listed)
Copyright claims to their versions- Norman Blake, T. C. Kelly,
B. Williams, and A. E. Houseman for the Makem-Clancy version.
A. E. Houseman was a well-known poet; the Clancy's version may be based on his poem which differs from traditional versions; I haven't heard it.

"Down by the Sally Gardens" - 173 listings (some duplication, collections listed). Copyright claims:
Thirkell Keiles, Daniel Scott, Herbert Hughes, R. May, Stone Circle.

"Salley Gardens" - 34 listings. Claims:
Michael McGlynn, Ariello Liliano, Federico Garcia Lorca, William Butler Yeats, John Ireland plus Wm. Butler Yeats.
Yeats and Lorca are famous poets; they may have produced their own poetic versions. John Ireland is a composer and I suspect a choral or symphonic arrangement.

"Down by the Salley Gardens - 52 listings. Claims:
Derek Bell, Bill Whelan. Pairings William Butler Yeats and Ed Sanders, Maids of Mourne Shore. Mike Briggs plus traditional. Benjamin Britten is listed, probably a choral or symphonic arrangement.

There may be others; I didn't go beyond the lists.