The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123007   Message #2704173
Posted By: Flashmeister
19-Aug-09 - 07:11 PM
Thread Name: Campaign for Real Ale
Subject: RE: Campaign for Real Ale
aw deepest of joys is my Tuesday session in a CAMRA country pub of the year.....never a more enthusiastic shanty has been sung than that sung through a warm fuzz of bloody good ale :-)
I do agree with Kosmo though that ale (ha ha a bit like folk) has a bit of a beardy bad-jumper label on it when it's miles better than any piss water lager any day...a GOOD lager however can also be a thing of joy, just not these awful mass marketed serve-it-cold-so-they-won't-notice-it-tastes-of-nothing overpriced beverages that fuel the kebab-shop duellers every weekend in dear old Albion :-D