The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23936   Message #270437
Posted By: Joe Offer
02-Aug-00 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why's Mudcat so slow!?
Subject: RE: BS: Why's Mudcat so slow!?
Mrrzy - Max has been using the This Site Has Been Taken Offline By Its Owner message when traffic is too heavy for Mudcat to handle. Just try again in a few minutes; or wait until a different time of day, when things might be slower.
I've been having a terrible time the last couple of weeks. It seems like two out of every three messages I post is aborted. It's getting really frustrating.
I think my problem is mostly my Internet connection. My ISP is Microsoft Network - I figured if I went with a big company, I'd be more likely to get reliable service, and my service has been pretty good for four years. Now, however, I get busy signals when I try to connect at one in the morning, or at ten - and service is s-o-o-o slow, and half the time I can't retrieve my e-mail.
I can't figure out why a usually-reliable ISP has gone so bad so quickly. I called them yesterday, and got the usual corporate "everything is sunny and it must be something wrong with the way you operate your computer" response. If they'd just tell me they're bogged down, I'd be happier.
I'm wondering it all the MP3 traffic is slowing down the Net, and if maybe traffic is heavier because U.S. kids are on school vacation. Aaaaargh!
-Joe Offer-

But for those who complain about slowness of service, remember that this is a non-commercial operation, supported by donations and good will. Temper your complaints with an awareness that Max and Dick and the gang are very generous to us.