The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122902   Message #2704460
Posted By: GUEST,Graham Bradshaw
20-Aug-09 - 04:54 AM
Thread Name: eBay folk rarities alert
Subject: RE: EBay folk rarities alert
Raising my head above the parapet very slightly, and only momentarily, before I get shot down....

The first 2 Nic Jones albums ARE available on CD, albeit on CDR. Of course, it involves doing business with CM - not to everyone's taste I believe.

In a conversation with Bulmer (admittedly a few years back) he indicated that he still had copies of the vinyl LPs, and they were available at 'normal prices' to anyone who wanted to purchase.

I've no idea if that is still the case, but maybe eBay prices are not the only way you can get this stuff!

Just a thought, and rapidly ducking back into my bunker!!!