The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3217   Message #2705165
Posted By: MGM·Lion
20-Aug-09 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Home James and Don't Spare the Horses
Subject: RE: ADD/Origins: 'Home, James'
Re naming, and status, of servants in upper·class British households:- Junior servants, up to housemaid, under-gardener, footman &c, would be addressed by first names: it was a mark of seniority — butler, head gardener, parlourmaid, lady's maid, valet, chauffeur — to be addressed by surname; and these would be addressed as "Mr" or "Mrs" [even if unmarried] by the lower servants. The housekeeper would be "Mrs" even to her employers; as would the head cook [tho she might be addressed also as "Cook", which was an honourable title]. These last two, + the butler, would probably have delegated power of dismissal of lower servants: remember the odious Mrs Norris in Jane Austen's Mansfield Park praising the Rushworths' housekeeper for having "turned away two housemaids" for having got above themselves by "wearing white gowns"! This housekeeper was also "quite shocked when I asked if wine was allowed on the second table" - i.e senior and junior servants even dined separately [though the housekeeper would have her dinner taken up to her own room by, probably, the senior housemaid — And ramifications so on ad·inf!...