The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122497   Message #2705499
Posted By: alanabit
21-Aug-09 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: ASCAP/BMI killing local gigs
Subject: RE: ASCAP/BMI killing local gigs
The simplest way out would be for the musicians en masse to tell ASCAAP, BMI, PRS and GEMA etc to stop this whole ludicrous nonsense of collecting royalties for live music altogether. The is no moral justification whatsoever for musicians to demand extra money for playing their own material. There is even less sense in it. It inevitably leads to there being fewer gigs available. The way out for the venue holders is simply to name the musicians as the organisers. This results in us getting the bill. There is no way that a collection agency can get more money back to the musicians than has been collected. Their own overheads eat most of the money. And no one benifits. It ends up effectively being no more than a job creation scheme for the collection agencies. It is wrong in principle and unworkable in practice. The sooner it is stopped the better off we will all be.
And no I do not claim back for live gigs - even when I have had to pay. It would be hypocritical to condemn this foul practice and then take back thirty pieces of silver as a backhander.