The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123071   Message #2705788
Posted By: lefthanded guitar
21-Aug-09 - 07:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Broken VCR?
Subject: BS: Broken VCR?
I still have a VCR, which was working quite well until this week. I use it to tape specials (such as the Bob Dylan movie) off PBS, and other shows I like but will be out of the house for.

This week, something happened and the VCR can't seem to play any of the tapes I've recorded off the tv. The screen looks fuzzy, and black and white, and tho I can sort of hear the dialog, so I know the tape is running, there's a lot of static. The ODD thing is, I can play my tapes of movies that I bought at the store and they're fine.

DID I PRESS A WRONG BUTTON?? Anyone here a good geeksquad type and can help? If not, suggestions on a new good model, not too expensive please, that has a VCR AND DVD player is appreciated. But I'd prefer to fix the old one.

I know you guys are VERY VERY SMART!!! so's I'm countin ' on you. Rescue please my shows of Pete Seeger and all those Mountain Stage shows. thanx.