The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2705956
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Aug-09 - 01:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Actually, the money doesn't have to be printed at all. It just has to be created instantly on an electronic balance sheet by the stroke of a computer key. Presto! It appears out of thin air and is suddenly in the deposits at some bank when that bank makes a loan (to the government or anyone else).

Don't be so foolish as to imagine that all this phony money gets printed! It doesn't. The amount of actual printed paper money and coins in circulation at any given time is a very small percentage of the total money that is supposedly out there...probably as little as 5% of it.

The rest exists merely on bank statements and electronic records and balance sheets at banks and other institutions. Is it real? Yes and no. It isn't real in itself at all, it's a total fiction and a fraud...but it has real effects on the whole society because it creates DEBT, and that debt generates interest charges.

You should read up on how the banks create new money all the time through fractional reserve lending and charging interest to the borrowers. The government doesn't create that money, the banks create it...out of thin air. They create it by making loans, billions in loans, and getting those loans deposited straight back into the banking system, and charging interest on them on top of that! It's an ever-expanding pyramid scheme that generates debt for society and profits for the banks.

The government simply mints and prints enough bills and coins that ordinary people are enabled to handle daily transactions and have some money in their pocket to do that, but the hard cash put out by the mint is a mere fraction of the whole false money bubble.

What you are quite right about, though, is that the banks have committed the greatest robbery in history...they've robbed the public, and put the government irredeemably in debt, and the government is just their helpless servant in that exercise. It's the banks who are in control of the situation.

Go to Google and look up this article: Inside The Great American Bubble Machine

Inside the Great American Bubble Machine

If you take the time to read it, you'll see just what I'm talking about.

Most of that money will NEVER be printed. It doesn't need to be in order to generate the debt. It just needs to sit on a computer somewhere, that's all. It's an idea, not an actual bunch of printed bills.