The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2705971
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Aug-09 - 02:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Example of what has happened in the last 44 years to our money:

A subway ride in Toronto cost 10 cents in the mid-60s. It now costs $2.75 in 2009. But a subway ride is really worth exactly what it was in 1960 in real terms, so what has happened to the money? The money "supply" has inflated by 27 and a half times in 44 years! Thus a dollar is now worth 1/27 of what it was in 1965.

Now, do you really think the government did that? Did the government put 27 1/2 times more bills and coins into circulation in the present than back it did back in 1965. Hell no. They didn't do anything of the sort. It was the banks, the lending institutions who increased the "money supply" by 27 1/2 times over that period through their endless pyramid scheme which works by creating vast amounts of new money through banks loans, and generating interest charges on it. That is a constantly expanding bubble of imaginary money...made real by being writteon on balance sheets and recorded on ledgers...but NOT made real by printing the requisite amount of legal tender. Good God no. Nothing of the sort.

This 700 billion $ bailout the banks got? Where do you think it came from? Did the government mint the money? Hell no. The banks created it as a loan to the government. The government borrowed the money from the banks and then gave it back to the banks as a "bailout" and will have to pay the banks INTEREST on it too! The so-called Federal Reserve Bank is a privately owned corporation that acts in its own interests. It is not a government institution any more than Federal Express is. Look that up too and check it out.

It is the (biggest) banks who call the tune, and the government dances. As for the smaller banks, they was intended...and the bigger banks then gobble them up at a bargain price, and the whole system gets consolidated in fewer and fewer hands.