The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123098   Message #2706566
Posted By: Stringsinger
23-Aug-09 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: Bartok: foreign influences in folk music
Subject: RE: Bartok: foreign influences in folk music
Bartok recorded over a thousand examples of folk fiddling from Hungary. I think a lot
of examples were from Transylvania and Rumania but he would have been interested
in their musical value, rather than their ethnographic areas.

There is a wonderful Bartok museum in Budapest that I visited when I was there that
showed examples of the fiddle tunes he collected and early composition scores.

I think that a true musician can't be reigned in to rigid parameters when it comes to music.
They can retain an integral style that may be culture-based but as they move toward
development in that style they must accept other influences. They evolve.

Nationalism is in the eye of the beholder. There was a move to make the Square Dance
the national music of the US and a bill even went before congress. It was defeated.

Frank Hamilton