The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123045   Message #2706965
Posted By: GUEST,leeneia
23-Aug-09 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: Thoinot Arbeau: writer, collector, both?
Subject: RE: Thoinot Arbeau: writer, collector, both?
Well, kat, this is gratifying. I didn't know you were in the inner golden circle of early-music lovers.

Bonnie, I think there's a mistake in the MS (your first link). There should be a sharp on the F in the third-to-last measure.

Someday I would like to learn to read the old notation, as shown in your second link. I tried playing various lines but didn't crack the code.

Thanks for the links, though.

Recently I started a thread titled 'Reutterliedlein.' It gives an example of what I like to do with early music. The tune is the kind of thing I play monthly with my friends.