The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123216   Message #2710320
Posted By: Genie
27-Aug-09 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: A little respect for 'weeds,' please
Subject: RE: BS: A little respect for 'weeds,' please
Actualy, it's probably been 6 years since I asked my then housemate to "cut down that weed," but it didn't bear any fruit at all till the next year. It's been pretty big for the last 4 years, but its crop (the ones that didn't fall off prematurely) ranged from a low of about 5 fruit to a high of about 25.   This year I've counted over 60 that are still on the tree and just about ready to pick.

I have to pick a lot of them before they're really ripe, because the tree is in my front yard right next to my porch, and if I wait a day too long, someone comes along and steals most of them.   Fortunately, peaches do continue ripening after being picked when they're pretty green.