The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104378   Message #2710692
Posted By: Donuel
28-Aug-09 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Random Traces From All Over
Subject: RE: BS: Random Traces From All Over
Other dimensions are of course more than just a different scale in size as I said earlier.

Do you want to see as a 4th dimensional being could?

As humans we get a sense of the 4th dimension as a passing of time but if you were a fourth dimensional being what would your wqorld look like?

poof -

you are now 4 dimensional and have somthing akin to eyes.
You are driving down the interstate highway. You pass other cars but what you see is all the visible sides of the cars you pass all at once. In 3D you would first see the back of a car then the side and lastly in your rear view mirror. But as a 4th dimensional being you see every observation as a discrete whole. A wrap around vision is just the everyday way you "see".

Beings and places you know well are seen as an entire enhanced wrap around 3D with the addition of all the changes that have happened and going slightly past the present and seeing what you soon see in the future. You don't actually see the future which has not yet occurred but your 4D mind smooths out the experience so you see the whole memory of the landscape. Just like in 3D you expect where the ball will land when you drop it but it still may take an unexpected bounce.

Now as a 5 D person you seein a direction that realizes the future more literally than it was seen in 4 D.

Beyond 5 D or more dimensions, you would have a sensory organ far different than eyes so lets call them knowing ports. From your knowing ports you know every point in directions both small and curled up within other dimensions, and large dimensions spread out around other dimensions in such a way that every point in space is in contact "virtually touches" every other point in space.

Naturally in higher dimensions you know that a single object can and is in two or more places in space at the same time. This "knowing" is as natural as we see a bird on a branch and the next time we look it has flown away. In higher diminsions you may even be able to go/know past event horizons of black holes... but beyond that if you try to enter another universe you become a fish out of water in the way we as 3D beings find it challenging to see in directions we can not physically point to.
By the way the energy required to go out of our universe and pass into the brane of another universe would be near the total energy of a universe. So while it is mathmatically certain other intelligent beings exist somewhere in our universe in great numbers and variety over various time spans, it is virtually impossible to be visited by aliens from another universe, unless their universe has different laws that more easily allow for such travel. In other words they may be able to get here from there but we can't get there from here.
