The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23952   Message #271181
Posted By: bbelle
03-Aug-00 - 03:32 PM
I have to say that this is better than any travel or state tourism magazine. When ya got a questions ... go to the source. So, I made some preliminary decisions.

The West Coast is just too far from family and friends. One of the reasons I left Alaska is because of distance.

Middle America is a bit too far from the ocean.

Abroad and Canada would probably pose problems with finding employment ... and, again, there's that family and friends clause.

Southeast is a definitely consideration, either Virginia or North Carolina. Most of my family is concentrated in both states. Virginia taxes are, what I consider, unreasonable. North Carolina is a strong possibility, but in the western part. I could trade mountains for the ocean.

Northeast is the strongest contender. There's a definite change of seasons. The cost of living can be high or low, depending on location. There's both mountains and the ocean. There are major airports close by ... plus the driving distance is nor horrible. I know a whole bunch of people in the Northeast ... oldtime friends and mudcat friends. Finding employment would not be all that difficult. And, to quote Teresa Brewer, there's music, music, music! (I just learned to do italics.)

Another consideration is my health. Because of the dampness and humidity in North Florida, I stay sick all the time with my allergies, the most prominent being my allergy to mold. I didn't have a headache the whole I was gone last week. Ever since I returned home, I've woken up every morning with a blinding headache. It takes a lot of oomph out of me.

Now ... would anyone like my resume?
