The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123172   Message #2711929
Posted By: MGM·Lion
30-Aug-09 - 01:59 AM
Thread Name: What did you do in the war, Ewan?
Subject: RE: Folklore: What did you do in the war, Ewan?
Moreover, getting back to the original topic of this thread: as one just too young to have served in the War [I was 13 when WWii ended], but old enough to have been liable for National Service [two full years of intolerable tedium and humiliation until, if lucky enough, promoted or even, like me, fortunate enough to be commissioned; followed by 3 or 4 compulsory annual 15-day camps; followed by compulsory membership of the Z-Reserve, liable to be called back at any time the government decided, until the age of 51] — try as I might I cannot but regard EwanMacColl/JimmyMiller's war record as other than contemptible and disgraceful, however much respect I might have for so many other aspects of his undeniable talents and achievements. Someone mentions above that Ben Harker, author of the 'Class Act' biography, stated orally that Ewan always looked back on his war record with shame; but I can find no indication of this in Harker's book; nor in Peter Cox's 'Set Into Song; nor, above all. in Ewan's own 'Journeyman' which I had to read with particular care as I was reviewing it - which, notoriously, as has been already mentioned how-many-times on this thread, segues effortlessly from 1939 to 1945. There seems to be a pervasive attitude of 'oh-not-again', and of 'forget-and-forgive' permeating this thread. But surely there are some things which don't deserve to be forgotten or forgiven. I enter this post in [I hope] no vindictive spirit, but in that of a seeker for just assessments, who, however, like most of us, unwillingly, did not attempt to evade the duties required of me by the Law.