The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123288   Message #2712886
Posted By: MGM·Lion
31-Aug-09 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: Folklore: The CND, who led, who followed ?
Subject: RE: Folklore: The CND, who led, who followed ?
Indeed. The well-known Peace Symbol that resembles the Mercedes logo with an extra central tail began life as the CND badge, and is based on the semaphore positions for letters C N D. It was designed in the staffroom of Chesterton School, Cambridge (where I was later Head of Upper School for 12 years but it was still being talked of), when Peter Cadogan, one of the original leaders of the CND movement, taught there, with the help of some of his ex-service colleagues. Cross-ref to the Ewan·in·the·War thread, ref'd to by the OP of this one, for the story of how my flatmate, sci-fi writer John Brunner, wrote "The H-Bombs Thunder", the CND anthem already referred to at least twice on this thread. Our flat was visited in those early days by all those who later became prominent in the campaign — Cadogan, Pat Arrowsmith, Mike Randle...: tho I myself lost touch with the campaign, to which I was committed for folk rather more than ideological reasons, when I left London soon after my marriage not long after. I did take part in the first 1958 march tho, the one which went London-Aldermaston, which was reversed in subsequent years. I can be seen in first part of BBC Folk Britannia, playing guitar in Fred [as then was - later Karl] Dallas's group on that march.