The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115883   Message #2716140
Posted By: Little Hawk
04-Sep-09 - 10:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views: the Obama Administration
Sawzaw, they ALL say they can do it while they're campaigning, and some of them may even believe it. Maybe Obama believed it. Hard to say. But then they get to Washington and find themselves neck deep in the political cesspool of corporate graft, influence-peddling, and organized media disinformation, and they soon find out that they can't do they just go through the motions and try to survive as best they can.

You are mistaken in assuming that Obama is the man in control right now or the man to blame for it all. He's the sacrificial lamb that gets to take the blame at the moment, that's all. He's merely representative of the real corporate powers that stand behind him and run the show. He's temporary. The real powers are not temporary, and no one gets to vote either for or against them. They are untouchable, given the present $ySStem and how it works.

It's like you're blaming Hulk Hogan or Jake "The Snake" Roberts or The Undertaker for the corrupt and silly world of professional wrestling. They are not in charge of it! They're just performers, out there so that the public has something to watch and get excited about.,,someone to love and someone to hate.

Obama is not in charge of the $ySStem. He's just the guy who gets to stand on the stage at the moment, get either worshipped or hated by the excited audience, get stuff thrown at him, maybe win the match, maybe lose it....but after the match is over and Obama walks off the stage (or is carried off...), the big WWF will STILL be in charge of the show, and somebody else will come out to replace Obama, and the show will go on.