The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96911   Message #2717002
Posted By: VirginiaTam
05-Sep-09 - 05:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Nightime leg cramps
Subject: RE: BS: Nightime leg cramps
Hi Susan

Next rheumatoligst appointment is not until 1st December. I have to hang until then.

Won't go to GP again for the palpitations and constant night wakings due to feeling like my blood is trying reverse flow. Already had stress and 24 EKG. Nothing wrong with my heart.

Next time I go to GP will be for my flu shot. This month I hope. Last year they didn't notify me that the stock was in until after I already had flu. Took me 3 months to recover. After that extended flu is when the palpitaitions started.