How 'bout this...... What if the pirates get word that Puff is no longer patrolling the seas with Jackie, raise their flags and return to invade Honah Lee? The noble kings and princes would be in danger (maybe they'd take refuge in Puff's cave?). Puff would need to gather his courage and drive off the pirates in Jackie's name (roaring Jackie's name instead of his own??). Puff would have to employ Jackie's string and sealing wax somehow to tie up the pirates, imprint the sealing wax with the giant's ring, and deliver the pirates to the noble kings and princes. Only then would the song leave Puff to frolic in the mist forever, in his boat-with-billowed-sail, now christened the Jackie Paper....
(I'm channeling the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation here -- a campaign started by young cancer patient Alexandra Scott, who has since passed away. Her vision of raising money to cure all children with cancer has been carried on in her name by her loved ones, with no signs of stopping 5 years onward.)
Now, it remains to convert this story to verse..........