The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123191   Message #2718002
Posted By: Jim Dixon
07-Sep-09 - 08:55 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Bloody Sarks (Ian Hall)
Subject: Lyr Add: THE BLOODY SARKS (Ian Hall)
Copied from

Ian Hall

The young MacGregor o' Glen Strae, wi' eighty o' his men.
Upon the Argyle's sleekit word, pit Finlas Glen aflame.

The burnin', theivin', heilan' rant drove a' the beasts awa'.
And left ahint twa dirkit men tae perish in the snaw.

By Fallisdaill the letter come frae black Dumbarton toon,
To show the way they were tae gae, tae bring MacGregor doon.

The bloody Sarks o' butchered men tae Jamie's court maun gae,
The widow women for tae show and tell of the affray.

Collquoune o' Luss could thole nae mair wi' trampeled savaged pride,
Buchanan levies mounted up to tan MacGregor hide.

From Leven's vale, Dumbarton toon, and a' these lowland parts,
The burgesses and fairmers came wi' vengance in their hearts.

The Campbell and the Cameron, MacDonald o' Glencoe
Ranked alang wi' Gregorach and marched o'er the snow.

Far o'er the loch frae Arket Glen and doon the pass Parlan
By Loch Long who's shores are held by the theives o' Macfarlane.

Collquoune wi' his windy lowland mob lined o'er the Fruin Glen
Five hundred foot, arrayed aboot, three hundred mounted men.

Yon godless hoard o' Gregorach, and others o' their kind,
Will creep nae mair frae their heiland lair wi' murderin in their minds.

Aye whither be it for some stirks or just a ween o' blacks
They're ay'ways quick, their dirks to stick, in ain anithers backs.

For honest men and good Scots law, we'll tramp the vermin oot
Just steady, bide, god's on oor side, o' that there is nae doubt.

Then like a torrent frae the glen, MacGregor's scarlet charge,
The Sassenach could ne'er withstand the claymore and the targe.

And all around the hellish screams o' torn and dyin' men,
Their precious blood seeped in the mud and drained in Fruin Glen.

And every beast was led awa', a full twa thousand heid.
And the sairest price the victors paid was twa MacGregor's deid.

But bide ye yet, the victor's feast, the worst was still tae show,
For the king proclaimed the Gregorach henceforth tae be outlaw
Aye the bold MacGregor and his clan were a' declared outlaw.