The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3018   Message #2719032
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
08-Sep-09 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Stagger Lee / Stack O'Lee / etc.
Subject: RE: Origins: Stagger Lee
Guest Erica-
Lomax and Lomax (1934) print a rather long version with similar lyrics, which they say is "being sung in the honky-tonks and barrelhouses throughout Texas and Louisiana today." The words were furnished by "Sullivan Rock, rounder and roustabout on the docks of New Orleans," with music by "Windy Billy of the Louisiana State Prison at Angola." Probably edited by the Lomaxes.
A few verses:

Stack took out his Elgin, looked direc'ly at the time
"I got an argument to settle wid that bad man, Billy Lyon."

"Kiss me, good woman, you may not see me when I come back."
And Stack went runnin' up that Great Northern track.

Well, he got outside in front of de barroom, an' he eased up to the door,
Billy Lyon had his 44 special, pacin' up an' down de floor.

Billy Lyon began to scream, "Stack, don't take my life,
I've got five lil helpless chilluns an' one po' pitiful wife."

He shot him three times in the forehead an' two times in de side,
Said, "I'm goin' keep on shootin' till Billy Lyon died."

Billy Lyon got glassy, an' he gapped and hung his head,
Stack say, "I know by expression on his face dat Billy Lyon dead."

Mrs. Billy she went runnin' and screamin': "Stack, I don' b'lieve it's so.
You an' my lil Billy been frien's since many long years ago."

Some 40 couplets in the version. Some of these later versions were highly embroidered.

Version B, pp. 96-99, "Stagolee," John A. and Alan Lomax, 1934, :American Ballads and Folk Songs, Macmillan Co.