The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7280   Message #2719770
Posted By: MGM·Lion
09-Sep-09 - 10:11 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm
I take your point to a considerable degree, Joyce; but it's a bit of a vanilla denunciation which wouldn't, one feels, have distressed King Hal too much if he had heard it - esp as it lists the wrong wives he doesn't know her from, when one should have been Cath Howard — only one other wife, not 'other wives' got topped: & he was distressed at having to execute C Howard whom he loved but could not hide the fact that she was a shameless adultress & the Privy Council reluctantly convinced him she had to go, so whether he actually 'murdered' her is a mootish point, I think; but neither Seymour nor Parr, both mentioned in the song was beheaded so its historicism is suspect. It might have been a more cogent anti-naughty-old-Henry polemic if a bit more accurate in its denunciation, eh?

BTW, in a rejoinder to a point you have made accusing me of advocating censorship on another thread [the LittleBoxes one], I apostrophise you as 'Mr' sing4peace. Sorry about that - but how was I to know?

Best regards Michael