The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #24026   Message #271999
Posted By: gillymor
05-Aug-00 - 05:38 PM
Thread Name: ELDERLY'S.COM
Moonchild, I've bought 3 instruments from Elderly and sold them a couple over the years and never got a bum deal.They were great to deal with but you might want to check out Buffalo Brother's Vintage Guitars in Carlsbad, CA, at there website. I think their prices are competitive with Elderly plus they have this upgrade policy where they will give you back what you paid for an instrument from them as long as you upgrade to an instrument that is at least $100 more expensive. They carry Martin and a bunch of other top end makers. I'm about to receive my second upgrade, a VCOM Larrivee which I swapped for an OM Martin. Good Luck.
