The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #123472   Message #2720647
Posted By: MGM·Lion
10-Sep-09 - 10:48 AM
Thread Name: The Folk Process
Subject: RE: The Folk Process
No, I'm sorry Dick, but again I think you are confused & are muddying the issue. Nobody has said that ALL orally transmitted songs are of equal merit or quality: simply that they constitute a separate category [it's a taxonomic , not a qualitative, judgment] - WITHIN WHICH category various levels of quality may be discerned. But that doesn't mean that anything of good quality must be admitted to this particular category just becoz you happen to like singing it - see my remarks on a post some way back on 'Les Sylphides' being a wonderful dance but that doesn't make it a folk dance, & who would want it to? [even if they'd never seen a fucking horse dancing it!]